Posts tagged meadowlark
Spring is here!...kind of...

I'm getting ahead of myself when I say spring is here, some days it is and some days it isn't. That's the fun of living in a state with seasons, there's weeks of in between. Spring into Summer and Summer into Fall are the easiest to adjust to drys out a bit in the summer, gets pretty hot then we can appreciate the cool crisp air and beautiful Fall colors.  Then comes the end of Fall, it's grasping onto those nice days in between the first few snows, before winter settles in and we're forced into hibernation as a full blown arctic wonderland envelops our surroundings.  Then Spring starts to peek through the snow, birds come out, days get longer and the sun stays out a little longer, yearned for by our Vitamin D deprived bodies.  We've been lucky this year a mild winter and frequent blips of very tolerable weather.  I spend as much time outside as I can, with my dog or my horse or just to be outside, I love nature and wildlife and I'm very thankful to live in a place where the surroundings can be awe inspiring.  I try to appreciate the world I'm in.  Meadowlarks are Montana's State bird, they are also the state bird of Wyoming, Nebraska, Oregon, North Dakota and Kansas. Chickadees just happen to be truly adorable especially when they it's cold and turn into little bird puffs!  The grass is greening, the birds are returning and our spirits are least on the days it doesn't snow.