Summerfair 2017

Last year was exciting as it was my first Summerfair, this year though, wow. I was lucky enough to meet some amazing people, sell original artwork and a ton of prints.  I worked hard and took notes from last year to make sure and improve my experience and that of the people visiting Summerfair.   They did a three day event this year, starting Friday evening.  I was a big fan, it was slightly cooler and the music made for a great atmosphere.  Saturday and Sunday were hot, really hot some people half ran through the rows of booths.  Thankfully so many great people stopped in and chatted with me about my art and bought little and big.  All in all this year was an incredible success and I'm still so thankful to be a girl who grew up going to this event and now being a vendor here, pretty much a priceless experience that shows on that big cheesy smile.  If you haven't been, try to make it to a Summerfair some year, it's worth the heat :)

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