Wait, it's 2017!?

Bursting out of the starting gates of 2017 already have one painting done and so many more started! I can't believe another year has come and gone, 2016 was kind of a long one. There were a lot of hurtles for me, a lot of being told no and struggles to keep going when I feel like I'm not progressing as much as I should.  BUT I also had some amazing experiences this year and so many big yes's and firsts! I finished up the year with two events at the Holiday Artwalk and getting my Logo ready.  I had a great holiday season full of wonderful commissions and customers. I'm thankful 2016 is complete and 2017 is starting a new! 

ArtWalk at Beyond the Box, super cool venue! 

ArtWalk at Beyond the Box, super cool venue! 

First phase of my logo! Sending it off to my super talented Graphic Designer friend to have it cleaned up!

First phase of my logo! Sending it off to my super talented Graphic Designer friend to have it cleaned up!

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